Leidy's Life Inside Technology 422
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Journal 9
Redefined for a Transmedia Universe
Lamb, Annette. "Reading Redefined for a
Transmedia Universe." Leading & Learning. 39.3 (2011): 13-17. Web. 28
Nov. 2011. <http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-november-2011.asp&xgt;.
In this article, “Reading Redefined for a Transmedia
Universe” written by Annette Lamb explores how reading a book has changed over
the years. A couple of years back a book was simply pages with text which told
a story. But now with all the technology enhancements ebook have become very
popular. E-books is a new way to read novels over devices for example a
computer. Some e-books provide features that allows the reader to click on text
or pictures that provide more information. I believe this can be a great source
for young students to get them interested in reading. Lamb explained that e-books can also be
considered distracted for readers because of all the features. Technology is
everywhere and e-books is another source that allows people to have easy access
to be able to read a novel in an instant.
Question 1: Should students be able to read e-books?
In my opinion students should have the option to
either read books through a online database paper book. I personally am a visual
learner which having access to e-books can get me interested in books. When I was
younger I had a hard time focusing on a books, I think having e-books students
will understand the book better. Also, I think that because it has features to
help understand the novel you will get more out of a book. When it comes to
textbooks I think it can really help students in many ways as far as understand
the material better.
Question 2: How is reading changing over the years
using technology?
Reading has definitely changed over the years and
e-books has become one of the most famous ones that everyone is using. One
thing that I like about being able to read these books is that we are able to
open them from anywhere from a smartphone to a computer.Technology is very important and when is used responsibly it can be one of the best sources out there. Having the ability to enjoy a book from your computer can save you time and money.
Journal #8
Journal #8 Adaptive Technology
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies
assist people with severe communication disabilities to participate more fully
in their social roles including interpersonal interaction and learning,
education. People with severe speech problems rely on AAC to be able to express
their thoughts, needs, and ideas.
Low Tech Device

High tech Device
This DV4 is considered a high tech device which helps
communicators who have little or no speech with the tools necessary to unleash
the power of their unique voices, and gives care team members the tools and
resources to make it easy for augmented communicators to speak their minds.
This is known as an alternative communication which allows
users with mobility impaired to able to communicate using software and hardware.
Most of the time these computers are touchscreen which mousses and keyboards
are not needed.


Journal 6
Google+ The Complete Guide, by Ben Parr
Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google+: The complete guide. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2011/07/16/google-plus-guide/
Summary: Google+ has many great features that I believe teachers can use educational with their students. Parr describes that Google+ can be a little confusing for beginners and by him providing video clips it will make it easier to be able to navigate. The features that Google+ offers are Stream, sparks, Hangouts, huddle, circles, and photos which all will help organized our own Google+. With Google+ Google is looking towards many people getting one and being one the most popular social networks. Teacher should use Google+ but first they should provide students how it should be used responsibly. By students using a social network for educational purpose students will be more aware of how to avoid dangerous situations.
Question 1: How do you believe teachers can educate students on how to use it responsibly?
In my opinion teachers have the hardest job when it comes to educating students to do the right thing when using any sort of social network. I would first inform the students if used responsibly they will gain useful knowledge. Also, if teachers make their students sign up for any social network teachers should strictly only be used for educational purposed. Teachers should be involved in the network and if any bad behavior occurs she should immediately take action.
"Educators – Google Plus is for You," by Chris Brogan
Brogan, C. (2011, Sept 30). Educators – Google Plus is for you. Retrieved from http://www.chrisbrogan.com/gpluseducators/
Summary: Brogan explains how Google+ offers a great feature that helps people separate their social and educational social network. Google+ offers class circles, which is a tool where it lets you choose who you want in each circle of friends. Also, you can invite friends to a whiteboard collaboration, which is a group of people that get together and are able to see each other face to face. Google+ can be used in many different ways and is unique because it offers many more features and people are able to connect with people that are interested in their same field.
Question 2: How can video chats be educational?
I think having the ability to video chat can be educational depending which circle of friends you are being connected with. I am a visual learner which being able to talk to my professor through a video chat would make me understand anything better. Although, I do not recommend teachers from K-12 to use it for educational purposes because parents can interpret it as unprofessional.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Journal 7
My Personal Learning Network

Twitter is a way to stay connected with friends, experts, celebrities and news. Although, I have to say that I now see Twitter as an educational network, because I am able to follow people that are interested in the same profession as I am. I chose to follow Tim St. John, Shelly Terrell, scichat, and Steven Anderson as well as my classmates. I joined a chat by #edchat on November first at 1 in the afternoon which provided many great resources on the different ways we can improve the educational field. I did not chat but I was trying to keep up with what the educators were collaborating during the chat. Being able to join chats will definitely improve our teaching skills or provide our students with many other ways education can be fun. Shelly Terrell the founder of #edchat is one of the best educational bloggers. Shelly provided information that is useful to any one in the educational fields. During the chat many people gathered to collaborate which useful information was provided as well as educational articles.
Diigo is a social-bookmarking tool that allows the users to save anything that is in the internet as well as to be access from any computer. Diigo has many great features that will help user maintain their accounts organized. For example, it has a way to highlight any important information that you might want to have easy access as well as to put tags which are related to the information. I found an interesting lady by the name of Cyndi Danner which is a digital story teller which was what caught my attention. She loves technology which was why she focused on the different ways technology can be used in the educational field. I chose to follow her because she provides many important resources that will help me become a better teacher. I also bookmark a couple of important cites that describes why having a PLN is important and useful.
The Educators PLN website is to provide useful and knowledgeable information that will help people in the educational field to connect. I joined both Classroom 2.0 and Educators PLN which both provide information about Personal Learning Network. I was able to focus on “The Educators PLN” which provides videos, chats, forums, blogs, leaderboards and many other resources which all help support the importance of being connected. I watched a video produced by Thomas Whitby which explains how important it is for teachers to teach their students about all the educational websites. It was an informative video regaring the importance of using educational sites and describing how students can benefit from being able to get information from more than one websites.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Journal 4
It's in the Bag
Basham, J., Perry, E., & Meyer, H. (2011). I's in the bag. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(2), 24-25. Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-september-october-2011.aspx
Summary:This article, “It’s in the Bag” provided information about a new method of how students can benefit from technology. Students will have technology tools which will enable them to have access to an expansion of sources. For example be connected with Twitter, facebook, and as well as having a Blog. Many of these networks will teach the students many important facts. Having access to I-pads, laptops, cameras, and many others will teach the children a smarter way to do anything. If teachers would promote opening a Blog in a educational way and continue until you graduate I feel students would enjoy school much more. Being able to use all these tools would definitely get the students more interested in school work. If all schools would focus more on technology the school would first save a lot of money and students would be more efficient when it came to going to college. I do agree that by students having this type of bag it would make them love technology and make school more fun.
Question 1: How do you think students will react to a tool bag?
I believe that students would definitely enjoy this method of learning. Technology is huge here in the US which means it is necessary that we teach our students how to have access to all this tools. If elementary students had access to a tool bag pack it would be easier for them to get familiar with all that it has to offer.
Question 2: How would you control this new method before students take advantage?
This is a hard question because even young children know so much about technology that we need to educate them to use technology in a safe way. When I become a teacher and lets say we would provide this method I would definitely have to be involved with all my students. Now there is programs for teacher to be able to monitor and protect our students.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Journal 3
Students Dig up Dirt to Learn about Internet Safety
Morehouse, J. (2010). Students dig up dirt to learn about internet safety. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(2), 34. Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-september-october-2011.aspx
Summary: In this article it provided information regarding the safety ways to use the internet. As we all know almost everyone can be searched on line and be able to find a lot of information. Morehouse gave his students 10 minutes to gather as much information online as possible and the students realize that almost his whole life was online. He then wrote all the different things the students found on the board, with all the information the students gathered they were able to create an image of him. Morehouse delivers many great facts regarding this issue. I have created many accounts over the course of my internet usage which frighten me, because is true without people knowing me they can investigate me and they will gather a lot information about me. After reading this article I will incorporate this in my classes but most importantly to show my students the importance of internet safety. Being able to provide this to students at a young age will expand their awareness on how internet can be dangerous if not used responsibly.
Question 1: What can parents do to monitor their children using the internet?
In many social networks there is an age requirement which in many cases is easy to bypass and lie about your age. Because social networks are popular I agree with children wanting to open one, but parents have to be involved. This depends on the parents if they get an account as well or get the password to his Child's account to monitor. I would say that although we might trust our children there is many creepers out there that can be dangerous.
Question 2: How dangerous can internet be?
I would say that it can be harmless but yet very dangerous. It really depends how we all use these types of sites. But children though they do not always know how dangerous it can be. Which means that its our jobs to educate them to use these websites responsibility.
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